Friday, June 11, 2010

Eva and Maryann (Chapter 3)

((Author Note: Once again I do not own Maryann or any of the character mention. I just own Eva (and her parents))

That next day Eva sat in her room wondering if she should even go visit Maryann. She had not even told her uncle yet about her real aunt. She didn't didn't know how to bring it up and well Uncle k was hard to talk to. So, she decided to wait till tonight and go see her aunt once again like she asked.

Eva got dressed and headed to her van. She then stopped wondering if she should drive over there she lived so close there. She shook her head and headed into the woods and walked a short cut to her aunt's house. While she walked through the woods she smiled as she seen alot of the animals running around. She then seen the house and saw her aunt by the pool. Eva then waved to them and Karl waved back. That was when Maryann turned to wave her to come.

When Eva finally got there Maryann embraced her with a huge hug. "How is my lovely niece?" She asked Eva. That made Eva smile.

"I'm good. Still very surprised that I have living family still." Eva said to her. Karl walked over to her and asked her if she wanted a drink.

"Thanks Karl let me get a water." She said. Maryann handed her some fruit and Eva took a banana.

"Eva, I'm having a party tonight and I want you to come. It's a great way to meet everyone in town. Will you come my dear sweet niece?" She asked flashing a smile that could kill.

Eva nodded "Sure I haven't been to a party in a good while. You better have Long Islands." She said winking at her aunt.

"That's my girl! Now tell me. What happened to my sister and brother in law?"

Eva grew quiet when Maryann asked that she didn't know what tell her. She looked over at the pool and took a deep sigh. "They were killed by werewolves." Maryann looked away growing abit silent herself.

"How about we go inside and I show you around?" Maryann smiled and helped Eva up.

Eva was happy that Maryann changed the subject she really didn't care to talk about that. Eva followed Maryann.

By the time Maryann shown her around Eva had to get back to the manor to see what her Uncle thought of her aunt why she was never told she had one. Eva hugged her aunt telling her she would be there tonight for the party.

As Eva pulled up to the house she saw her uncle outside talking to some of the other vampires that just had visited. He looked at her giving her a stern look "Where have you been Eva?" He asked stopped her in her tracks.

"I just seen my aunt Maryann. You know the one you never told me about." Eva said as she pushed him away from his grip. With that he looked at her shocked not sure what to say and followed her inside the manor.

"Maryann is here?" he asked. Wrong thing to say... Eva turned back her face red.

"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU KNEW ALL ABOUT HER AND NEVER TOLD ME!?!" The other vampires that lived in the manor looked at Eva and left the room before she could stare right back at them.

"You have no right to yell at me. I kept her from you for a reason!" He yelled back but not as loud as Eva. He appeared in front of her and smacked her across the face. "That is for your back talk. Go to your room!"

Eva ran to her room and slammed the door. She looked at the time and climbed out the window. She was going to go to the party and be with her aunt no matter if he liked it or not. Maryann was family and wanted to be with her.

Instead of taking her van she just walked to the house. She saw she was late and walked in. Maryann was off greeting guests as a young black fellow walked upto her. "Hey you must be Eva. Maryann is outside. Come on I'll take you to her." Eva smiled abit as she followed the young black male. When they came to where Maryann was talking to a couple, that was when Maryann turned to Eva and went over to her giving her a hug.

"My sweet little niece. Thanks for showing her in Eggs." Maryann pulled Eva to her side. It was like she knew Eva wasn't herself. "Cheer up dear. We will talk tonight."

Eva ended up having fun and danced with almost everyone there. Her uncle never noticed her gone and Maryann offered her to live with her. Eva didn't say yes yet.