Friday, December 31, 2010

Eva and Maryann (Chapter 4)

((Author Note: Once again I do not own Maryann or any of the character mention. I just own Eva (and her parents))

Eva sits on the bed in the guest room of her aunt's home looking at the door as if it was going to open. She had to get to the lab because she had a few more tests that needed to be finished. Eva got up and walked towards the door heading down the stairs. Maryann was right behind her and made her jump almost falling down the stairs. "Leaving so soon?"

"Yes I have to get to the lab I owe a few projects and then I will come to your party. Promise." She gave her aunt a kiss on the cheek and headed back to the house to get into her van.

When she got to work she seen cops all over the place of her lab. She frowned this wasn't good at all. She walked over to them and asked "Can I help you gentlemen? This is my lab."

The one police officer turned to her "Yes Madame we are shutting down this lab it's not licences."

"What do you mean? I wasn't told I needed a licences" Eva said trying to fight this the best she could but it didn't work. She was going to kill her uncle. The man handed her a paper not saying anymore to her and told her to get her personal things out of the lab.

Eva drove home crying the whole way. It wasn't fair now she was jobless. She had to find another job but she couldn't worry about that now. She had a uncle to chew out.

She drove up to the mansion and parked in the front causing a shrieking in the wheels. A few of the vampires that were inside came outside to see who it was but walked back in seeing it was Eva. Eva got out of her van and stormed inside.

Her uncle of course came out of his office and met her in the hall looking down at her. "What is the meaning of this?" He demanded.


Kraven frown he didn't think this would happen at all. "I'm sorry. I will get you a new lab." That's when Eva handed him the letter they gave her and she broke down in tears and stormed out of the mansion. "EVA!! GET BACK HERE! NOW!" But she was already gone.

Eva ran through the forest that connected to the mansion and her aunt's home and headed to her aunt's home. Though when she got there a party was going on. Eva wasn't in the mood for a party but just wanted her aunt and that was all. She walked through all the crowd till she found her aunt standing there talking to Karl."Aunt Marynn...they shut down my lab." Maryann came to Eva's side taking her inside.

"I'm sorry dear come on let's take you upstairs." They went upstairs and Eva was still in a fit of tears. Her whole world crashed down and she lost the place she loved to be.

"My lab didn't have a licences that's why they shut it down."She cried out and Maryann pulled her into a hug.

"Shhhh...I'm sure there is a way I can cheer you up. I have this lovely party going on and Long Island's with your name on it. Do you want to have a party?" Maryann made the pouty face and Eva laughed.

"Ok but all those Long islands are mine."

Maryann laughed "Of course!" They walked down the stairs and headed to the bar where Eva took the first Long Island and drinking it down fast. Karl poured her another and kept it going till Eva finally went upstairs to go to sleep.

When Eva woke up she didn't have a hang over and still never really understand that. She decided that it was time she had to go look for a job but not just any job one that fit her. She was almost a PH d and wouldn't settle working at a restaurant.

She drove out to Merotte's to get a bite to eat and hope to hear if someone was looking for a Scientist or something along those lines. To her luck the high school just lost a science teacher. Jessica got her order to go and drove over to the school giving the Principle her resume and leaving her number. Just before she could leave though her cell phone went off. And she was asked to teach Biology and Chemistry. Things were looking up once again.

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